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Every Day Counts

By: SFW Students & Alumna
Rena Mirzoeff (SFW '09)

In this week’s Parsha we see the mitzvah of counting the Omer (Vayikra 23:15), where we count the days between Pesach and Shavuot. However, generally when we are excited for something we count down towards the event. Why, then, when it comes to Sefirat HaOmer, do we count up?

On Pesach, Bnei Yisrael was on the 49th level of tumah which was the lowest of the low. During Pesach we offer the Korban Omer which consists of barley. There is only one other Korban given in the Beit Hamikdash that consists of barley, which is that of the sotah. Sotah is one of the lowest, most embarrassing sins and we can say that it corresponds to the lowest level of tumah. What is the significance of barley? Barley is considered animal food. Bnei Yisrael, when on the 49th level, were comparable to animals. During the process of Geula, we went from being on the level of animals to being the most loved nation in the entire world. The process, started on Pesach, began with Bnei Yisrael not yet having received the Torah, and so we were still on the 49th level. From there, we were taken out of Egypt and we counted from then until Matan Torah. Each and every day in this process has its own importance and unique opportunity of being able to get closer to Hashem, culminating in reaching the level of being fit to receive the Torah that Hashem chose to give to us and not to anyone else.

However, we can’t just approach each day wanting to get closer to Hashem without first knowing Him. Knowledge of Hashem is a prerequisite to building a relationship with Him. So too, a couple cannot form a bond between each other unless they first know each other. We have to know Hashem in order to be able to form an everlasting bond with Him. Each day, we count upwards to Matan Torah so that we can take each day to take on new Mitzvot, and in this way become closer to Hashem. This can be compared to someone who is dating, as they will count the number of dates they have been on, counting up not down, because each date is another opportunity to get to know the other person. In the same way, each day of the Omer we are counting up: 1, 2, 3, 4… We get to know Hashem better each day so by the 49th day we are on a level suitable for accepting His Torah.

Therefore, we count up to the realization of a better relationship with Hashem to be able to receive His Torah with a knowledge of Who He is, and in this way to better appreciate the everlasting bond between us. On Pesach, we were not yet ready to receive the Torah; it took a steady process of 49 days, each day building a better relationship and a stronger bond with Hashem, to be on the right level to accept the Torah.

May we be zoche to follow the ways of Bnei Yisrael and take the days we have left of the Omer to really work on our relationship with Hashem.

I wish you all an amazing, spiritually-uplifting and growth-filled Shabbat!!!!!!


Categorized under: 1: Parshat Shavua > Emor