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Shabbat and the Mishkan
By: SFW Students & Alumna
Alyssa Zachter (SFW '09)
This week’s parsha discusses many things about the Mishkan and what must be brought for it. But, before that, the Torah tells us about the mitzvah of Shabbos. Rav Soloveitchik has a very interesting insight on the connection between the Mishkan and Shabbos. Shabbos is like a Mishkan in itself. Just like the Shechina is present in the Mishkan, so too, the Shechina is present on Shabbos. But there’s a difference between the two. The Mishkan was transcendental and beyond the laws of nature. It had Shechinat Hashem resting over it. Shabbos, on the other hand, brings the presence of Hashem to a natural level; it makes us feel a real connection to Hashem. The Pasuk says: “Vayakel Moshe et kol adat Bnei Yisrael Vayomer Aleihem…Sheshet Yamim Taese Milacha Uvayomm HaShvii Yihiyeh Lachem Kodesh…”
The word “adat” means assembly of people. This word is related to the word “aid”, which means witness. When we keep Shabbos we become an assembly of witnesses. Each week we testify to the world concerning Hashem’s Presence in our lives and in all human affairs. By honoring Shabbos each week, we are witnesses to Hashem’s involvement in the world. May we all have this in mind each Shabbos and thereby make our Shabbos experience more meaningful! Shabbat Shalom
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