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One People, One Heart
By: SFW Students & Alumna
Debra Strashun (SFW '09)
With the holiday of Purim rapidly approaching (it’s this Tuesday!!!! or Wednesday, if you live in Yerushalayim like me J ), I wanted to share with you an idea on the parsha which I think connects well to the upcoming chag. Whereas Parshat Terumah focused primarily on the construction of the Mishkan and the Keilim, Parshat Tetzaveh now continues on to give explanations of the avodah of the Kohanim, detailing specifically the bigdei kehunah. One of the begadim which outshines them all (literally) is known as the “choshen mishpat.” With 12 stones in total, 1 for each of the shevatim, this masterpiece, set in gold, was worn by Ahron, the Kohen Gadol and contained within it the Urim Vi’Tumim. After explaining the structure of the choshen mishpat, the Torah goes on to tell us the following: “Vinatatah el choshen hamishpat et haoorim viet hatumim, vihayu al lev Aharon, bivo’oh lifnei Hashem, vinasah Aharon et mishpat Bnei Yisroel al libo lifnei Hashem tamid.”
“Into the Breastplate of Judgment shall you place the Urim and the Tumim, and they shall be on Aaron’s heart when he comes before Hashem; and Aaron shall bear the judgement of the Children of Israel on his heart constantly before Hashem.” (Shemot 28:30)
Within this small pasuk is hidden such a huge yisod of Judasim. The Seforno explains that wearing the choshen mishpat over his heart inspired Ahron to daven for Am Yisroel-“sheyitpalel aleihem sheyizku bamishpat.” Abarbenel adds that not only did Ahron daven for the nation, but they were constantly on his mind and in his heart. The words of Abarbenel are mamash so special-“ sheyizkor Ahron tamid bimachshavto oovitefilotav et Bnei Yisroel.” Wow. I was actually speechless after reading this. Think about it…Ahron “wore” the names of each of the shevatim “on his heart” (the choshen mishpat was worn over his heart). This constant awareness of Am Yisroel isn’t and shouldn’t only be the tafkid of the Kohel Gadol!! Rather, this is the essence of every single Jewà “ki’ish echad bilev echad.” We as Jews must always be thinking of one another, no matter what we are doing in life or where we are located in the world. This is what makes our nation so unique and special. It is this idea of achdut that is one of the major concepts surrounding the holiday of Purim. When Haman came to Achashverosh with his intent to eradicate the Jews, he said: “Yeshno am echad meforad oomifozar bein ha’amim….” - there is 1 nation out there there is so scattered, so different than all of the other nations. At this point in Jewish history the Jewish people unfortunately were not united. This is why Esther Hamalka specifically told Mordachai to “go out there and gather all of the Jews back together!” “Lech, knos et KOL hayehudim!” And it was only when we were united together that we were able to be saved from the evil decree of Haman. Purim is about being the “am echad” that Haman so badly wanted to destroy. It is about finding that unity and embracing it. This is why we send mishloach manot to each other…to bring about achdut/raiut (good feelings among people). This is also why we give matanot lievyonim to the poor people…because the Jewish nation is a nation that cares about everyone. Last week, we commemorated the yirtzheit of the 8 kedoshim that were murdered in Mercaz Harav Kook, just one year ago. In the streets of Yerushalayim outside the yeshiva, a huge Hachnasat Sefer Torah was held. It was one of the most beautiful and inspiring events I have ever witnessed. On the streets there were all types of Jews united together - from the Chassidim with their big streimels and bekeshas to the irreligious Jews; from the seminary and yeshiva students to little gan children in their parents’ arms. Everyone was together. And as I watched the men carry the sifrei torah under a massive chuppah, singing and dancing, full of simcha- I couldn’t help but think: “Mi Kiamcha Yisroel?!??!” There is NO other nation like the Jewish people. And so, as we enter into the holiday of Purim let us remember the lesson of the choshen mishpat, that every Jew must be “wearing” klal yisroel on his heart all of the time; and most importantly, that the Jewish people really are “am echad.” We may be different than everyone else, but we have pride and will not ever let anyone break us down. We are ONE people and we are ONE heart. JJ Shabbat Shalom and Chag Purim Sameach!!! J J
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1: Parshat Shavua
Tetzaveh |